Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Back in Kilbrittain!!

Hi!  We're back in Kilbrittain this evening late and very tired....especially Steve who has done all of the driving.   There are no road maps of Dublin so how we ever got out of there can only be attributed to someone that finally gave us real directions!  Wish we had his name so we could send him a thank you.  It was a blessing and a curse because we had to use the "ring" around Dublin that has a mysterious toll system that requires you to pay on line within 12 hours because they claim to have photographed your license plate in some mysterious way and will fine you if you don't discover the mysterious secrets to the toll!  There are also secret petrol stations that will take you toll money but most people don't know where they are!  when I asked questions at a gas station and got no answers the fellow called after me as I left.....If that's yer only problem then ya don't hiv any at tall!  More after we're rested...

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